2017 Summary - Good things come in small packages
この記事は公開から 1年以上が経過しています。現在の最新情報との整合性については弊社では一切の責任を負いかねます。
この記事はMagento Advent Calendar 2017の24日目です。
TBSでドラマ化された「陸王」最終回の余韻に浸りながら、2017年の弊社トピックスを振り返りたいと思います。(英語は日本語の後に続きます/English follows the Japanese)
3位:弊社CTO、Magento社公式より2年連続でMagento Masterに選出(2月)
2016年に引き続きアジアで唯一のMagento Masterに選ばれました。
Meet Magento Japanや日本語翻訳プロジェクト、毎月弊社にて定期的に開催しているMagento Meetup Tokyoなどの活動を認められての表彰となり、改めて嬉しく思います。
2位:MageFuji&Meet Magento Japan開催(7月・11月)
「富士山のぼったことないから登ってみたい」というスタッフとの話もあり決まった社内のネタ企画…のつもりが、なんとMagento社からエバンジェリストのBen Marksさんや初来日・技術ディレクターのMax Yekaterynenkoさんも参加してくれ、楽しいひと時になりました。
Meet Magento Japan
そして今年で3回目となった「Meet Magento Japan」。
イベント準備にあたっては「何のため、誰のためのイベントなのか」「技術寄りのコンテンツすぎるのでは」などなど、気にかけてくださった方々からの声もたくさんいただきました。すべて思い通りに事を進められているわけではありませんし、これからの課題ももちろんたくさんあります。次回のMeet Magento Japanの企画は未定ですが、より存在感のあるイベントを主催していきたいと思っています。
タイトルにした「Good things come in small packages」。 よいことは小さな包みで届く、日本のことわざで言う「山椒は小粒でもぴりりと辛い」にあたります。
For English:
This blog post is the 24th day of Magento Advent Calendar 2017.
We would like to look back on the year 2017 in the afterglow of last round of "Rikuoh” dramatized at TBS.
3rd Place: Our company CTO has been continuously elected to Magento Master for 2 years (March)
Our company CTO was selected again as being the only Magento Master in Asia in 2016. We are very pleased the various activities of our company such as Meet Magento Japan, Japanese translation projects, Magento Meetup Tokyo which is regularly held at our company every month were recognized and highly appraised.
2nd Place: Organized MageFuji and Meet Magento 2017 Japan (July/ November)
It is our company which is usually holding camping in December every year and healing tiredness of one year in hot spring hotel.
We also held it this summer. Its name is "MageFuji". We plan to hold it at the hotel near Mt. Fuji and climb Mt. Fuji on the final day.
At first it was some kind of internal plan to climb Mt.Fuji after some of our staff said "want to climb it because I have never climbed up" but... We didn’t expect two attendees from Magento Inc: Ben Marks (evangelist) and Max Yekaterynenko (technology director, and first time to come to Japan) . This was a really fun time.
Our Fuji climbing was blessed with good weather, we could see the awesome sunrise from the top of the mountain and fortunately, no one got injured. In addition, we would like to organize a bootcamp in summer (What should we do with the place, btw?)
Meet Magento Japan
Also, this was the 3rd time "Meet Magento Japan" this year.
Although we have decided the location and schedule in May, we struggled to complete the preparation for MageFuji mentioned earlier and preparation for this was getting behind.
Sometimes, our notice were coming late and it was hard for us to collect sponsors and speakers. Inevitably participant registration did not increase either ... Although we thought about temporarily stopping, but in the end Cacco Inc and PayPal raised their name to sponsor, and for the third time three people from Magento Inc eventually introduced the speakers. As a result, it became the most intense event in 3 times. Event report is here.
We heard a lot of opinions from those concerned, such as "Whom is this event held for?", "Is in it too much technically sophisticated?" and so on. Not all things are being progressed as we wanted, and there are of course many future challenges. The next project is undecided, but we would like to host an event with stronger sense of existence.
1st Place: Our company relocation (June)
In October 2015 the office space increased from 1 floor structure to 2 floor structure. It has become possible to have separate space for office space, meetings, counseling and seminars.
It was around the time when we started hiring interns. We were always said "there are few engineers of experienced Magento" in the engineer's neighborhood. That’s why we thought that "we would like to bring up rough brand new gemstones from the beginning". As we expected, everyone worked harder than expected and quickly become regular employees from interns.
We started thinking about relocating to a wider building around spring this year as we thought the office was getting too small and it was good strategy for further development of our business. Although we thought it would not be easy to find an appropriate building, we could find it due to the good timing and were moved to the office in June. Both the office space and the seminar space have almost doubled the area.
Thereafter, employees introduced new staff and resumed hiring interns for the first time in two years. As soon as they noticed, the office space that should have been expanded is filling up steadily.
Actually, when we decided to relocate, we were wondering whether it was too wide. Sincerely, we thought it was a space that stretched a little. My heart is pounding while putting the seal on the contract. However, we felt such tension is helping us to grow up. As the box grows, we will go up to the height to fit that box. I felt it when I increased the floor, but think such things considered as just a coincidence might actually become inevitable for our growth.
This year marked the 8th year from the start of the individual business as its predecessor. Also, our company will celebrate the 5th term since incorporation in the next 2018 year.
Our title was "Good things come in small packages”! The good thing comes in small packets, the Japanese saying "Japanese peppers are spicy even if they are small".
Although we are a small company, we would like to make it a year for a great leap forward by strenghtening our sharpened position in Japan standing in line with large companies in matters relating to Magento.
We do hope for your continuous support. See you soon!