(English follows the Japanese/ 英語は日本語の後に続きます)

本記事はMagento Advent Calendar 2016の4日目です。

3月: 弊社CTO、2016年度のMagento Mastersに選出

弊社CTOがMagento社から世界でわずか8人、アジアで唯一のMagento Masters: Makersとして選ばれました。Magento日本語コミュニティや2015年11月に初開催したMeet Magento Japanの運営など、Magentoコミュニティへの積極的な寄与が評価された形です。

5月: Magento勉強会リニューアル、Magento Meetup Tokyoとして生まれ変わる

これまでDoorkeeper上で告知をしていた月例Magento勉強会「Magento Cafe Plus」を新たにMeetup上で「Magento Meetup Tokyo」としてリニューアル開催へ 毎月1回木曜日(基本第三木曜日)19時より弊社にて開催。軽食を食べながら、最新のMagento情報をシェアし合う場を設けています。自社だけではなく、他社の様々な事例を共有しながら知識や経験を増やしていく場がMeetupです。
Magento Meetup Tokyoでは毎回Magentoに関する2~3のセッション発表の時間がありますので、発表したい方を募集しています。ご興味のある方、ご参加希望の方はMeetup上からメンバー登録が必要になります。

6月: Magento2日本語エクステンションリリース

2015年11月に登場したMagento2。弊社でも通常業務と並行して日本語化エクステンション対応を進め、弊社サービスサイトおよびMagento Marketplace上で提供開始しました。 Magento Marketplace上に公開するためにはMagento社の厳正なコードレビュー等があり、弊社のエクステンションはそのレビューを通過し公開が認められました。

8月: Meet Magento Indonesiaにて講演

2016年初開催のMeet Magento Indonesiaにて、弊社CTOがMagento2における決済ゲートウェイに関しての講演を行いました。

9月: 弊社開発者全員、Magento認定技術者へ

兼ねてから弊社開発者に取得を推奨していたMagento Certified Developer試験。

11月: 2回目のMeet Magento Japanを開催

2015年に引き続き東京・新宿にて2回目のMeet Magento Japanを開催することができました。初回を1割ほど上回る人数の参加があり本当に感謝しております。

12月: Magento Solution Partnerへ






For English:

This is the part of Magento Advent Calendar 2016.

There is not a lot of time left in the year of 2016.
Let me take this opportunity to summarize our topics in this year.

March: Our company CTO was selected as Magento Masters for 2016

Our company CTO was selected as the only Magento Masters:Makers in Asia, with only eight people in total in the world from Magento Inc. It was an evaluation of our achievement of active contribution to the community such as running an event in November 2015, which was held for the first time.

May: Renewal of the study sessions, reborn as “Magento Meetup Tokyo”

We have renewed the monthly study session "Magento Cafe Plus" which used to be announced on Doorkeeper as “Magento Meetup Tokyo” appearing now on “Meetup”. Once every month on a Thursday (usually, the third Thursday of a month) it will be held at our company starting 19:00. We are setting up a place to share the latest information while having a light snack. “Meetup” is a place where we share information about various cases of not just our own company, but others and increase our knowledge and experience. At “Magento Meetup Tokyo” there are from 2 to 3 time slots for presentation sessions, so we are looking for people who want to present a topic. Those who are interested and wish to participate will need to register as a member at “Meetup”.

June: Release of Magento2 Japanese language extension

Magento 2 appeared in November 2015. While doing our regular work we were advancing the development of the Magento2 Japanese language extension support and began offering it on our service site and on the “Magento Marketplace”. In order to publish on the Magento Marketplace there was a strict code review, etc. and our extension passed that review and was accepted for release. Compared with Magento 1, Magento 2 makes us face challenges of dealing with extensions, but in order to meet the increasing demand, we will continue releasing extensions compatible with Magento 2, so please look forward to that.

August: Presentation at Meet Magento Indonesia

At Meet Magento Indonesia held in the beginning of 2016, our CTO gave a lecture on the payment gateway in Magento 2. Slides are uploaded below, so those who are interested please take a look. (English version only)
Presentation Slides

September: Turning all of our developers into Magento Certified Developers

For some time we had been recommending the Magento Certified Developer exam to our developers. Finally, all of them became the certified developer qualification holders. We will continue to devote ourselves to further improving our skills.

November: Holding Meet Magento Japan for the second time

Following 2015, we were able to hold Meet Magento Japan for the second time in Shinjuku, Tokyo. We are really grateful to the participants whose numbers were about 10% higher than the first time. The report on the details of the event we would like to summarize later, but it was impressive that the participation rate of non-developers (merchants, designers, private website operators, etc.) increased compared to the first time. The presentations by Ben Marks (Magento Inc) and others who came to Japan were also very interesting. We are going to consider our possibilities of holding a similar event next time and we hope for your continuous support.

December: Becoming a Magento Solution Partner

Representatives from Magento Inc. came to visit us in November and we held a meeting aiming at a partner agreement. It is officially decided now that we will be working as a formal solution partner starting December.

Closing remark

In the content above I roughly summarized main topics.
I think that it was quite a stimulating year for our company with the number of our new staff also increasing. Also, it is less than two years now before the official support of Magento1 system is over. In order to further popularize the Magento2 series, we would like to be actively engaged in work in 2017 as well, and we do hope for your continuous support.